Monday, March 23, 2009

F.E.A.R.2 Review


Graphics : 8.2


The visuals feels competent… they do offer some pretty impressive effects and lighting but overall it doesn’t match the current standard of PS3 games. It looks good on the consoles, but far better on the PC. But it’s not like the console wouldn’t be able to run the game at it’s full potential.

And once again we get this feeling that we got a rushed port and that there’s a better version somewhere else.

Is this glasses ? or is it made of steel ? ...

When we have games like Uncharted MGS4 and Killzone2 running at great FPS, getting a game with low res-textures, low poly designs and small-enclosed environment, add on top of all that 20-30 Frames per second during the whole experience. It’s unforgivable.

Lolwut ?

It’s one of those games where you get the feeling that the first one looks better than the sequel… Is it the case? I’ll need to pop “F.E.A.R. First encounter assault recon” to make sure…

Sound : 9.0

Sound plays a big role in providing atmosphere, and there are noises in this game that can raise the hair on the back of your neck. I would say it plays the bigger role on the “scary” aspect of the game. Again this is a game you’ll want to play with a good surround sound or a good headset.

Some of the guns could feel a little bit more powerful (Sniper rifle) but overall it’s great and in slow-mo it feels just awesome.

Gameplay : 8.0

The trademark shooter of action and horror is back, so is it as good as the first one ? We’ve been inoculated to the horror elements a bit by now. And the horror aspect of the game, if we can call it this way, doesn’t feel as fresh and new like the first one did.

For some reason the game is way too easy. I’d recommend playing on the hardest difficulty setting on your first playthrough; if you want a little challenge. I was surprised after playing for 4 hours that I did not die a single time. The first time I got myself killed was because I jumped from too high…

You can literally run and gun the whole game, and since it allows you to move tables and other furniture to use as a cover. It makes this whole new system completely useless.

Scary !!!... scary ..?
It almost feels like they try too hard. You’ll encounter and trigger the same “scary” events over and over again. (oh here comes alma again. * yawn * Guess I need to tap circle…)

It might just be me, but I really miss the fucked-up moments of the first one… (where’s the bloody ceiling?)

Call of duty meets alma.
The overall fps experience is good. Although there’s no real boss fight except for the occasional Mech to take down, Wich; if you carry a rocket launcher you will not break a sweat, even the last fight is… just not a boss fight. There’s a load of conventional arsenal to use but you’ll stick to the assault rifle the whole game. Shotguns are too weak and will get you killed. Dart gun is useful but not as strong as the one if the first game. And the lazer gun has a glitch with the aiming… seems like they couldn’t place the lazer in the center of the screen. So it gives you this weird feeling that you’re not looking in front of you.
Omg nub can't aimz !

The way they switch from spooky ambiance to an action blazing sequence is way too obvious. You’ll automatically know after entering a room that you’re now in a scary part of the game, and the way it keeps switching from one to the other can be really annoying, plus it doesn’t make much sense. Nothing is very clear… Some “ghost” will attack you and some won’t but for some unexplained reason they will vaporize with a bullet.

Lasting Appeal : 7.0

The game isn’t that short by itself but since the levels are so linear, you’ll never get stuck. Plus the “too easy” factor makes it a relatively short experience that you’ll be able to complete on one sitting. If you’re just into the single player and/or story part of the game. I would recommend just renting it.

The multiplayer suite is competent and traditional, but it’s difficult to distinguish in a crowded field of online shooters. So it’s pretty much dull and disappointing.

Story : 6.4

The story takes a bit of time to spool up, but the second half of the game takes off. There are plenty of answers this time around, but those answers are inconsistent. I would imagine the developers and artistic designers thought: we love action. We love horror. People want more of Alma. Let’s do it !

Problem is; if you like apple pie, lemon pie and blueberry pie. Mixing all the slices together doesn’t necessarily give it a good taste. You’ll want to keep playing just to finally know what the heck is behind all this, who is Alma and why she’s this way but the game clearly didn’t think about it. They place all the elements because they’re “cool” then dump a story on all that..

Now for the ending, (I need to say that it disappoints…)
SPOILERS : (highlight to read) Alma pretty much rapes you while you’re fighting your ex-partner (no idea how she does that) but you’re in this place with a tree, a swing and you’re fighting this guy that keeps yelling : “Alma is mine!” but at the same time your getting raped by her… and then in the final scene she takes your hand and put it on her “now-pregnant” belly.. then the credits rolls and you’re like… WTF?!

Final comment : Fear2 is a competent shooter that does well what a shooter should do. But bad graphics, bad story and lack of replay value does not make it a must-own title.

OVERALL : 77 / 100


  1. Lol, this game sucks.

  2. Haha, I really enjoyed your review! Humorous in places but also informative and well organized.

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